Yes, We Need Credential Management Tool
Credential management is critical in microservices world.You can imagine that within microservices architecture, there are a series of services/apps deployed into our environment. How to provide a service, let's use MySQL as an example, to identified applications, creation of credentials is mandatory.
Now how to handover the credential to these identified applications? How to make sure the credentials won't be leaked to developers/operators?
Yes, in short, we need credential management tools like Vault.
Since BOSH is a great platform for deploying and managing software clusters. It's a good idea to let Vault work with BOSH.
Preparation & Requisites
1. Prepare Infra
The process is based on Google Cloud Platform (GCP).But, as BOSH is the great platform to abstract the IaaSes, changing to another IaaS, for example AWS or Azure, is just a trivial thing to handle.
What we need to prepare are:
- VPC with subnet(s). In my example, my VPC is as below
- VPC Network: bosh-sandbox
- Subnet: bosh-releases
- Region: us-central1
- IP address range:
- A Service Account with necessary Roles, for example:
- App Engine Admin
- Compute Instance Admin (v1)
- Compute Network Admin
- Compute Storage Admin
- A Ubuntu Jumpbox (within the same VPC)
2. Create BOSH Director
$ git clone $ bosh create-env bosh-deployment/bosh.yml \ --state=state.json \ --vars-store=creds.yml \ -o bosh-deployment/gcp/cpi.yml \ -v director_name=bosh-gcp \ -v internal_cidr= \ -v internal_gw= \ -v internal_ip= \ --var-file gcp_credentials_json=<CREDENTIAL JSON FILE> \ -v project_id=<PROJECT ID> \ -v zone=us-central1-a \ -v tags=[internal,bosh] \ -v network=bosh-sandbox \ -v subnetwork=bosh-releases
3. Alias BOSH Env
$ bosh alias-env sandbox -e --ca-cert <(bosh int ./creds.yml --path /director_ssl/ca)
4. Export & Login to the Director
$ export BOSH_CLIENT=admin && export BOSH_CLIENT_SECRET=`bosh int ./creds.yml --path /admin_password`
5. Prepare & Update Cloud Config
$ bosh -e sandbox update-cloud-config cloud-config-gcp.yml
6. Upload Stemcells
$ bosh -e sandbox upload-stemcell stemcells/light-bosh-stemcell-3421.11-google-kvm-ubuntu-trusty-go_agent.tgz
Prepare Manifest File
$ vi vault.yml
With below content:
--- name: vault instance_groups: - instances: 1 name: vault networks: [ { name: ((VAULT_NW_NAME)), static_ips: ((VAULT_STATIC_IP)) } ] persistent_disk: 4096 properties: vault: backend: use_file: true ha: redirect: null vm_type: ((VAULT_VM_TYPE)) stemcell: trusty azs: [((VAULT_AZ_NAME))] jobs: - name: vault release: vault releases: - name: vault version: 0.6.2 url: sha1: 36fd3294f756372ff9fbbd6dfac11fe6030d02f9 stemcells: - alias: trusty os: ubuntu-trusty version: latest update: canaries: 1 canary_watch_time: 1000-30000 max_in_flight: 50 serial: false update_watch_time: 1000-30000
Deploy Vault
$ bosh -e sandbox -d vault deploy vault.yml \ -v VAULT_NW_NAME=network-z1-only \ -v VAULT_STATIC_IP= \ -v VAULT_VM_TYPE=small \ -v VAULT_AZ_NAME=z1
Once it's done, we can verify:
$ bosh -e sandbox -d vault vms Using environment '' as client 'admin' Task 118. Done Deployment 'vault' Instance Process State AZ IPs VM CID VM Type vault/8753e1bb-e486-44a2-8bba-25fa4c2278b4 running z1 vm-86c20491-ebdc-4948-631f-e0ac733d0690 small 1 vms Succeeded
Post Actions
After deployment is done, enable it by following steps.1. Prepare Tools
$ wget $ unzip $ chmod +x vault && sudo mv vault /usr/local/bin/ $ vault -v Vault v0.8.2 ('9afe7330e06e486ee326621624f2077d88bc9511')
2. Unseal Vault
$ export VAULT_ADDR= Unseal Key 1: xxx Unseal Key 2: xxx Unseal Key 3: xxx Unseal Key 4: xxx Unseal Key 5: xxx Initial Root Token: xxx Vault initialized with 5 keys and a key threshold of 3. Please securely distribute the above keys. When the vault is re-sealed, restarted, or stopped, you must provide at least 3 of these keys to unseal it again. Vault does not store the master key. Without at least 3 keys, your vault will remain permanently sealed. $ vault unseal Key (will be hidden): Sealed: true Key Shares: 5 Key Threshold: 3 Unseal Progress: 1 Unseal Nonce: 1ffc83e5-2e5f-1038-4e68-0223f1544746 $ vault unseal Key (will be hidden): Sealed: true Key Shares: 5 Key Threshold: 3 Unseal Progress: 2 Unseal Nonce: 1ffc83e5-2e5f-1038-4e68-0223f1544746 $ vault unseal Key (will be hidden): Sealed: false Key Shares: 5 Key Threshold: 3 Unseal Progress: 0 Unseal Nonce: $ vault auth Token (will be hidden): Successfully authenticated! You are now logged in. token: 5e3f7eba-2e27-fc74-7c55-f6084bad4b00 token_duration: 0 token_policies: [root]
3. Try Putting Values
Now, you can put secrets in the vault, and read them back out. For example:$ vault write secret/test mykey=myvalue Success! Data written to: secret/test $ vault read secret/test Key Value --- ----- refresh_interval 768h0m0s mykey myvalue $ vault delete secret/test Success! Deleted 'secret/test' if it existed.
Yeah! Vault, managed by BOSH, is ready to rock.
Note: this is just the basic setup, please refer to vault-boshrelease for more advanced topics like HA, zero-downtime upgrade etc.